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來自 : 馬祖
註冊 : 2003-12-12
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發表時間 : 2015-08-01 19:09:39
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美聯社珍貴歷史影片:1996年石仁愛修女拒絕離開南竿 --閱讀人次 : 1795

 美聯社(AP)與英國新聞紀錄片公司(British Movietone)攜手合作,將1895年至今逾55萬部珍貴歷史新聞影片,上傳至Youtube,這是有史以來最大量的歷史新聞影片上傳,其中也包括了1996年石仁愛修女拒絕離開南竿的訪問。







China's military exercises near Taiwan's outlying islands are expected to intensify Thursday due to better weather conditions.

This week inhabitants of the defensive frontline Matsu islands have been leaving for fear of possible attack but one resident refuses to go - an 80 year old nun from Belgium.

On a clear day Mainland China is visible from the harbour of Nankan island.

At their closest the Matsu group of islands lie only 4.5 kilometres from the Chinese coast.

Since the beginning of the week China has been holding a series of exercises close to the islands. Locals from smaller less defended islets have moved to Taiwan after rumours that China might attack.

But one long time resident is unbothered by the tension. Sister Madeleine Severens has been in Nankan island for over 20 years.

Born in Belgium, Sister Madeleine has spent most of her working life in China, Mongolia and Taiwan.

A much loved figure on the island, Sister Madeleine spends her time visiting the sick and elderly and teaching the children.

She sees no reason to leave Matsu despite worried calls from relatives and friends overseas.

Imprisoned by the Communist Chinese in 1951 whilst working on the mainland - Sister Madeleine's presence provides much reassurance to the worried islanders.

SOUNDBITE: (English)
And they ask me: mama, are you not afraid? I say no, I say God will help us and they still say something, that they are a little bit afraid. A bit. But they do their normal work.
SUPER CAPTION: Sister Madeleine Severens

The Matsu islands' population is small, perhaps 5-thousand on Nankan.

Many are closely linked to the Mainland - fishermen have wives and families across the straits and trading, whilst illegal, is the mainstay of the island's economy.

Though none will say it publicly, some are angry with Taiwan's President Lee Teng-hui for the current conflict.

They see no reason for independence and hope for stronger ties with China.

SOUNDBITE: (English)
But if I ask them who do you want? They dare not to say that. They dare not say that they don't like President Lee following his visit to the States. But if you ask who do you like? They do not say it.
SUPER CAPTION: Sister Madeleine Severens

Sister Madeleine has vowed to stay on with the islanders even if the conflict between Taiwan and China breaks out into open war.

Weather conditions have been improving in the last few days and Matsu's troops are on alert for an increase in China's manoeuvres.

With only two days to Taiwan's first presidential elections, Sister Severens, along with the other remaining residents of Matsu will be watching closely their effect on those closest to China.

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