冷戰時期《美聯社》影片放上Youtube 見證馬祖歷史 --閱讀人次 : 1347 《美聯社》近日宣佈與英國紀錄片收藏館《Movietone》合作,將55萬段資料影音帶全部放在YouTube上供民眾瀏覽,而這些影音片段早於1895年開始記錄,當中更有不少是《美聯社》過去在台灣所拍攝的影片,紀錄台灣的歷史。
Vice Admiral Staurt H. Ingersoll, Commander of the U.S. 7th Fleet and Taiwan Defence Command and Brigadier Gernersl Ho Shi-Li, Military Representative to the U.N., vistited the off shore island of Matsu and made an insesction of it;s defences. At the observation site they, with other members of the party, witnessed a demonstration of the artillery fire power. Scenes show China mainland, artillery strafing water, shelling beaches, etc.
海軍中將Staurt H. Ingersoll,美國第七艦隊司令和國防部何世禮將軍、聯合國軍事代表,訪問馬祖,參觀火砲射擊演習,並提出防禦建議。
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