2008馬祖FUN輕鬆 創意競賽 明年一定要再辦!! --閱讀人次 : 2936 Coming back to Taiwan every year is a routine for me, it usually just consist of visiting, working and lots of eating.
But this year is different, I guess I really wanted to explore and try to define my roots, thus when I found out about this Matsu competition, I joined in without hesitation. I mean, what's to loose right? and I might have a nice reward in the end.
Anyways, long story short, in the short span of 2 months, I researched and found many wonderful facts and interesting historical stories about Taiwan that was unknown to my knowledge. It is no longer a competition, but something I want to do because it is part of my heritage. Not only that, in order to come up with new ideas, we began to think in a global perspective.
This competition taught me a great deal, not because I was given the information but because I have to research and personally get down to the island and explore by myself.
It was awesome, and I hope I can get a chance to do this again in the future.
Please have another one next year, because this event has taught me much about Taiwan, and I am sure it will do the same of those who will compete next year
已有 1 位網友鼓勵
但是今年是不同的,我猜我真的想要探究而且試著定義我的根,如此當我發現這次馬祖競賽的時候,沒有遲疑,我加入。 我的意思是,這有什麼損失呢?最後我還可能獲得獎賞。
已有 0 位網友鼓勵
來自 : 縱貫線馬祖依哥
幫別 : 馬祖魚
註冊 : 2007-03-26
發表文章 : 221
掌聲鼓勵 : 336
來自 : 縱貫線馬祖依哥
幫別 : 馬祖魚
註冊 : 2007-03-26
發表文章 : 221
掌聲鼓勵 : 336
發表時間 : 2008-11-26 16:49:53
FORM: Logged
Dear Aaron,
Many thanks for your nice comments about my birth place, Matsu islands.
You may introduce to your friend that Matsu not only belongs to Taiwan, during the Cold War decades, it even denoted as the separated county of separated province of separated China, that's why, till now we still call our county as "Lian Jiang Xian".
已有 0 位網友鼓勵