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註冊 : 2012-06-01
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懷德不為人知的一面 --閱讀人次 : 2008

之前毀謗懷德的反賭人士看清楚了 請還人家一個公道

“Former Sands Exec Turns on Adelson in Testimony”ABC News, April 10, 2013


前金沙總裁作為證人 砲轟賭場大亨艾德森 - 美國ABC新聞 4月10日2013年

Williams Weidner, who was second in command at Las Vegas Sands Corp. for 14 years, got the chance Wednesday, and he appeared to relish the opportunity to tell a jury what it was like to work for casino mogul Sheldon Adelson.
威廉懷德14年來在金沙集團的職權為集團中第二大,在星期三時有此機會(在法庭上提出前老闆的證詞) ,似乎很願意對陪審團提出與艾德森共事的往事。

Speaking energetically, but without the jokes and asides that characterized Adelson's testimony earlier this week, Weidner said the 79-year-old Sands CEO had treated him poorly, sought to silence him, and nearly drove his own company to bankruptcy.

He testified Wednesday that in 2009, months before he left Sands, he asked the board to allow him to attempt to rescue the company without interference from Adelson, whom he accused of mismanagement. Among the reasons he cited for his lack of trust was the original breach-of-contract case.

Weidner said the board initially begged him to stay but Adelson, who eventually bailed out the company with $1 billion of his own money, pressured the board to ask for his resignation.

Weidner said he resigned and then was fired for cause by Adelson, who offered him a severance package worth $20 million to $60 million. He walked away from it because of a clause that would have prohibited him from saying negative things about Adelson, a major GOP donor whom Forbes ranks as the ninth richest American.

Asked why he hadn't attempted to recover some of his severance, Weidner, who now runs his own company, said he didn't want to become another former business associate suing Sands for some of its riches.


懷德本身就有財力 不需要領2000到6000萬美金的資遣費 (等同6億到將近18億台幣) 不要再質疑人家有沒有錢
艾德森說是開除 是因為想要用錢封嘴
懷德是自己辭職 沒有資遣費是最直接的證明
懷德在金沙14年 是集團第2大的總裁 不是什麼小員工
如果沒有記錯 美國ABC新聞是當時反賭人士說是美國最老最具公信力的新聞媒體 (或之類的形容)

我是台北人 如果懷德真的有料 有意來台投資 就請不要再抹黑了

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