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對教授的觀光賭場議題演說內容所提出的合理質疑 --閱讀人次 : 1367


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美國賓州大學的經濟學者為國家博弈研究影響研究委員會(National Gambling Impact Study Commission)所完成的研究顯示,對於當地餐館及休閒設施來說,觀光賭場不會取代當地現有經濟,而「觀光賭場的存在將嚴重侵蝕在當地的經濟」得說法是過於誇大,而就算是一間普通的觀光賭場在沒有博弈產業的地方,都會為當地創造正面的經濟效益。




依據美國國會要求,美國財政部曾在1999年研究發現,觀光賭場的存在或開放不會使得其他周邊產業破產。且從當地經濟觀察,於觀光賭場附近的產業也不會因為距離靠近觀光賭場而容易破產。美國國家研究院及芝加哥大學校園的美國國家建議研究中心(National Opinion Research Center)所辦的研究指出,其他產業破產與觀光賭場的存在無關。有觀光賭場的社區的破產率與沒有比有觀光賭場的破產率高。美國會計總署到了紐澤西州的大西洋城(Atlantic City),研究過程找不出賭博與破產有任何影響關係。在1998年的時候,美國印地安那州的委員會也發現,曾宣告破產的人不會更容易有賭博的問題發生。根據美國法院的資料,猶他州與田納西州在2002年為美國破產最多的2個州,而當時這2個州也都沒有博弈產業。美國如路易斯安那大學在2002年的研究報告顯示,個人是否光顧觀光賭場與個人申請破產是沒有相關性。在1999年,由如路易斯安那州立大學所研究出的結論顯示,破產申請者都沒有因為賭博而使得申請破產。新加坡於2009年開放綜合度假村附設觀光賭場,而根據官方資料顯示,新加坡在隔年的破產率有下降20%。


Adam Rose and Associates, The Regional Economic Impacts of Casino Gambling: Assessment of the Literature and Establishment of a Research Agenda, report prepared for the National Gambling Impact Study Commission (State College, Pa.: Adam Rose and Associates, Nov. 5, 1998).
George Fenich and Kathryn Hashimoto, “The Effects of Casinos on Local Restaurant Business,” paper presented at the International Conference on Gambling and Risk-Taking, Montreal, 1997.

Joey Bunch, “Eateries doing well with help of casinos,” The Biloxi (Miss.) Sun Herald, May 25, 2001.

Beyond the Casino Floor: Economic Impacts of the Commercial Casino Industry, The Brattle Group, report prepared for the American Gaming Association, 2012.

U.S. Department of the Treasury, A Study of the Interaction of Gambling and Bankruptcy (Washington, D.C.: GPO, July 1999). See also Lynda de la Vina and David Bernstein, “The Impact of Gambling on Personal Bankruptcy Rates,” Journal of Socio-Economics 31, no. 5 (2002).

National Opinion Research Center, et al., Gambling Impact and Behavior Study, report prepared for the National Gambling Impact Study Commission (Chicago: University of Chicago, April 1, 1999).

General Accounting Office, Impact of Gambling: Economic Effects More Measurable Than Social Effects (Washington, D.C.: GPO, April 27, 2000).

Indiana Gambling Impact Study Commission, Key Findings and Policy Choices to Address the Social, Fiscal, and Economic Impacts of Legalized Gambling in Indiana (Indianapolis: State of Indiana, December 1999).

Center for Business Research at Louisiana State University, The Impact of Gambling on Personal Bankruptcy, March 1999.

Singapore’s Bankruptcy Filings Decline 20% Last Year to Lowest Since 1996, Jay Wang, January 17, 2012, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-01-17/singapore-s-bankruptcy-filings-decline-20-last-year-to-lowest-since-1996.html

Adam Rose and Associates, The Regional Economic Impacts of Casino Gambling: Assessment of the Literature and Establishment of a Research Agenda, report prepared for the National Gambling Impact Study Commission (State College, Pa.: Adam Rose and Associates, Nov. 5, 1998).


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