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註冊 : 2018-09-03
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發表時間 : 2024-07-14 13:41:17
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嗨翻馬祖贈酒活動開跑 --閱讀人次 : 443

嗨翻馬祖 High Five Matsu贈酒活動|旅遊馬祖、打卡拍照、分享美景、免費領取紀念酒!

活動時間/Event Period:2024/7/10(wed.)-2024/09/30(mon.)或送完為止

活動對象/ Eligible Participants:凡年滿 18歲 非設籍台灣之陸客與外國旅客
Non-Taiwan residents aged 18 and above, including mainland Chinese and foreign tourists

領取時間/ Collection Time:預約制(需於領取前三天與官方LINE@或微信帳號,預約領取)
By appointment (reservation required 3 days in advance via official LINE@ or WeChat account)

領取地點/Collection Location:連江縣南竿鄉福沃村51號(南竿白日夢民宿/0975-076056)
No. 51, Fuwo Village, Nangan Township, Lienchiang County (Nangan Daydream B&B / 0975-076056)

領取條件:馬祖任兩鄉觀光景點合照2張(例如南竿鄉+北竿鄉 或 南竿鄉+東引鄉等組合各一張),及證明文件,即可兌換限量版馬祖高梁紀念酒乙份

Collection Requirements: Two photos taken at tourist attractions in any two Matsu townships (e.g., one in Nangan Township + one in Beigan Township, or one in Nangan Township + one in Dongyin Township, etc.), along with proof documents, to redeem one limited edition Matsu Kaoliang commemorative liquor.

(1) 出示非設籍台灣及年滿18歲身份證明文件
(2) 來馬機票或船票
(3) 需在個人社群平台(如臉書、IG、微信、微博、小紅書等)公開發表 文章,上傳個人與馬祖觀光景點合照2張(南竿鄉、北竿鄉、莒光鄉、東引鄉,四鄉參訪二鄉),並標示 #嗨翻馬祖 High Five Matsu

Collection Steps: (1) Present proof of non-Taiwan residency and age (18 or above) ID (2) Show Matsu flight or boat ticket (3) Publicly post on personal social media platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, etc.) two photos of yourself at Matsu tourist attractions (visits to two out of four townships: Nangan, Beigan, Juguang, Dongyin), with the hashtag #High Five Matsu

注意事項/Important Notes:
Redemption is by appointment only. Please book 3 days in advance to ensure smooth collection.
Each tourist is limited to one redemption. No repeat redemptions allowed. Limited quantities available, while supplies last.
Event dates and related notices are subject to the organizer's official announcements.
Proof documents provided will only be used for this event and will be destroyed after the event ends.


【禁止酒駕 未滿十八歲 禁止飲酒】

歡迎國際旅客 嗨翻馬祖 High Five Matsu贈酒活動QR-Code掃起來

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