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主題: 我的馬祖故事(英文版) | |
作者: riverkid < > | 發表時間: 2010-01-15 |
各位馬祖朋友大家好: 我寫了一篇關於軍人在馬祖的故事,基本上就是我的故事英文版,內容包含了當兵成長心得、馬祖在地風土民情等,內容如下所示,由於我友認識很多外國朋友,打算用我自己的經歷親自介紹馬祖,圖文並茂版的連結為http://www.wretch.cc/blog/riverkid/11521948 大家如果覺得不錯,歡迎轉載,介紹給更多外國朋友,讓他們透過文字和圖片,認識馬祖囉! Rick A Soldier's Trip in Matsu For me, this was not only a trip, but a life. In Taiwan, every man has the same experiences that cut a very short hair together or 60 people slept in a middle room. You must tolerate the snoring everywhere and wake up early to fold your comforter like a square tofu. Also, when you see the officers or corporals, remember to raise your hand and render a salute. Otherwise; you will fall into a bad condition. That is so-called military service, a procedure to change a boy into a MAN. I was a corporal and my company was located in a small island, Beigan. Beigan is one of the islands in Matsu. Where is Matsu? According to Wikipedia, the Matsu Islands are a minor archipelago of 19 islands and islets in the Taiwan Strait administered as Lienchiang County, Fujian Province of the Republic of China (ROC). In other words, the Matsu islands are near China but Taiwanese government possesses the sovereign rights. Thus, they are the “frontline” of Taiwan. 50 years ago, if a soldier was assigned to guide Matsu, his family will become extremely nervous because their son might be died on the battlefield. However, now everything is changed. When you visit the Matsu Islands, you still can see soldiers walking on the roads and forts concealed on the mountains, but the atmosphere is not so nervous. Also, during the military government period, the islands cannot be developed widely, thus, conserving beautiful scenery and many valued animals and plants. Accordingly, I consider my military service as a trip. As a soldier, of course the life is tough. What I did is difficult to describe. Try to imagine a person who lives in a small island without many resources. If he faced any problem, he must solve it by himself. Therefore, learning to be independent is the first thing I need to do. Beigan is far from Taiwan, so I cannot come home frequently. In average, the soldiers in Matsu can come back to Taiwan once per 2 months. For me, it is OK because I have stayed in Singapore and Turkey for 4 and 2 months before; nevertheless, for some people who haven’t left home for a long time, Matsu is similar to a foreign and far country. If they cannot adjust themselves to the new environment, they may cause some troubles for the army. The second thing I learnt is how to live in Matsu. The above I said is somehow invisible. You must experience them by yourself. But what I want to share next is practical. If you visit these islands, you can follow my suggestions and understand the true local cultures. In Matsu, every soldier has one holiday in a week. During holidays, we often travel around the island and enjoy local food. Little by little, we become half Matsu locals. I liked to eat “fish noodles” and “fried rice with distiller’s grains.” In Chinese, we called “Yu Mian” and “Jiu Zao Chao Fan.” They are very traditional and popular in Matsu, which you can see on the following photos. Sweet potato dumplings are also famous in Matsu. Most Taiwanese didn’t know this dessert before. They have golden color, so another name for “Sweet potato dumpling” is “Golden dumpling.” I also liked to visit old villages. Every time when I saw ancient buildings, I felt as I already returned to the past. The stone houses are very special and unique. You cannot help but admiring ancestor’s wisdom and design so that the buildings are still firm and solid until now. I often drink a coffee and sit on the seashore. It seems that I was in a small island of the Aegean Sea. The life is relaxing and free. My most favorite thing was to enjoy stars at night. Without light interference in the modern cities, the night in Matsu was much more beautiful than my hometown. I can see thousands of stars on the sky and also the shadow of the moon. It was too amazing to me when I first saw the clear shadow. At that time, I understood the most valued happiness is “simple”. If we discard the complicated life, we can find the simple delight. That’s the main reason why most Matsu locals are kind and optimistic. If you live in such a simple environment, you will understand what I mentioned. One year past and I finished my military service. The journey is like a dream. I often imagine that I am sitting on the beach and missing home. Time flies like an arrow and my new life is going to start. I will never forget my lovely friends and tough army experience in Matsu. Also, I encourage more friends to visit these islands and be locals. I bet you will like the place, MATSU! |
作者: 七號鈎 < > | 發表時間: 2010-01-16 |
好棒的英文 好棒的馬祖軍旅生活 看到有英文貼文 總是很興奮 尤其看到有內容又找不到錯誤的 這要向Riverkid下士致敬 也謝謝站長沒有刪除 我記得往常整篇都是寫英文會被刪掉的 站長的想法沒錯 英文不是我們的第一語言(母語) 會有使用的障礙 不過 作為一個夢想要走向世界島嶼的馬祖 還是免不了要逐漸使用這個國際最常見的溝通介面 這篇文章囊括了馬祖觀光的四大特色 戰地.文化.海洋.生態 為了使大家好讀 小弟雞婆試著將十個重點摘譯如下 一.當兵將男孩變成男人 二.馬祖當兵更要獨立,自己解決自己的問題,克服困難 三.今日馬祖不復見往日戰地肅殺氣氛,反而以島嶼風情與豐富生態吸引外來客 四.二個月才回台一次,這是最難過的 五.魚麵.酒糟炒飯.黃金餃,馬祖特有美味 六.木柱石屋,老祖宗的智慧承傳 七.馬祖光害少,觀星佳,領悟簡單就是美好的人生觀,好像馬祖 人的樂觀和善 八.軍旅如夢,人生旅程加分 九.深入了解當地,體驗獨特閩東文化 十.永難忘記當兵生活的困頓還有馬祖可愛的人民 另外 我的印象馬祖好像有三十六座島礁 這與維基百科記載有出入咧 還有基隆好像沒河有海 為何您大名不叫Oceankid而叫Riverkid? 您把馬祖寫得這麼好 馬祖的冬天其實一大部分天氣不佳 有點 "窮山惡水無情海" 但是需要您這樣的有心人 "有情有義台灣兵" 祝福您 |
作者: black horse < > | 發表時間: 2010-01-17 |
Well, i wondered what has happened to you. Most people don't think that way at all, but you know what,I think you are a really lucky person who is able to know how to appreciate the beauty and don't take things for granted. I am happy for you that you've got stories to tell now. But let's just hope that next time when you come back again, the beauty will still remain the same. | |
作者: riverkid < > | 發表時間: 2010-01-17 |
回覆七號鉤: 基隆也有河啊!就在港口旁邊,只是都已經受汙染了,謝謝您幫我翻譯成中文大綱啊!至於我取名的部分,純粹就覺得riverkid在英文上比較好唸,其實我原本想取藍天之子的(因為高中學校的關係),但是SkyKid怪怪,bluekid也怪怪,最後發現riverkid其實很順口,呵呵,大概就是這樣囉! |
作者: erhchun < > | 發表時間: 2010-01-18 |
I believe many people will like this place MATSU BLESS YOU | |
作者: 七號鈎 < > | 發表時間: 2010-01-18 |
馬祖當兵好 讀書存錢練身體 外加深度旅遊的長假 好像是前馬防部司令陸小榮說的吧 當兵中金馬獎有什麼不好 在馬祖當兵 可以讀書存錢練身體 因為時間多又沒地方花錢 整個美美島嶼 都像是個運動場 可以好好鍛鍊身體 這個基隆台灣兵很厲害 抓住在馬祖珍貴的八個月 把它當作是深度旅遊的機會 馬祖雖然不是出國 至少也是出海 而且有大不同於台澎金的史地人文背景與自然生態 會有一些異國風情(exotic)的遐想吧 會有一些觀光吸引力吧 值得深深品味吧 他查了馬祖的資訊 他深入了馬祖的生活文化 他體驗了馬祖的美 他賺了免費的長假 就像black horse網友說的 他賺了活生生的故事 也像erhchun說的 外來訪客都會喜歡這裡 馬祖也會祝福大家 台灣兵都這麼厲害嗎 |
作者: riverkid < > | 發表時間: 2010-01-21 |
謝謝,您過獎了~~ 我只是盡自己小小的心力,紀錄了這八個月的故事 馬祖還有更多美麗的地方値得每個人去探索 希望我的小小努力,是一個好的開始 希望將來會有更多人,甚至外國人因為看到我的文章而勇闖馬祖 我想這才是最重要的 大家一起努力吧! |
作者: 七號鈎 < > | 發表時間: 2010-01-23 |
增加歐美客 經營世界島 Black horse 網友的” know how to appreciate the beauty and don't take things for granted.”是「懂得欣賞馬祖的美而且不要視為理所當然嗎?」是「要保有感恩之心嗎?」Riverkid 是因為這樣而對馬祖這麼有情嗎? 針對外國人來馬祖的証據,很明確的有兩座英國建造百年以上歷史的燈塔,可能還有其他更早的訪客。(這要請精研馬祖歷史的「魔羯客」講評最客觀)。七先生自己對話過的外國人有美國人、英國人、加拿大人、以色列人、瑞典人、日本人、紐西蘭人、瑞士人、法國人、德國人等,直覺上,馬祖已是歐美先進國家人民偶或到訪的島嶼,現在較有問題的是「量」足夠嗎?對當地的經濟貢獻有多少? Riverkid的文章一定會使他的外籍朋友增加對馬祖的興趣,甚至因而造訪馬祖。我們也期盼會造成口碑,讓馬祖有多一點歐美日訪客,因為這是高品質觀光點的指標之ㄧ,可以推漲馬祖觀光身價。之前曾見到整團日本賞鳥團體及美國賞鳥團體來馬,這種高單價、高品味的生態旅遊團次的增加,一定能有效墊高馬祖的旅遊地位。這就像「馬祖鳥人」建設局張技正多年貢獻馬祖鳥學的成果一樣,已逐漸在觀光領域顯現效果,有益馬祖經濟發展。 Riverkid的有心貢獻、有情有義撰文,馬祖人欠您一份情。 |
作者: black horse < > | 發表時間: 2010-02-04 |
Yes certainly, I think i didn't explained it well enough. The beauty i meant wasn't just simply the scenery itself, but also the people, the history and the life, kind of everything. | |
作者: 七號鈎 < > | 發表時間: 2010-02-17 |
嗨!Riverkid、Black horse、Erhchun、馬資網的網友以及關心馬祖的朋友大家新年快樂! 樓上Black horse 貼文說了馬祖不只風景好,還強調可愛馬祖人民的故事與生活,這些要素共同構築了馬祖的美麗。Riverkid之前也這麼說,這與小弟的想法雷同。 風景是地理,具有3D特性,建構馬祖的廣度,同一個時間點,全面展現不同空間風情,吸引遊客駐足品味;人民、故事與生活強調歷史,創造4D場景,譜寫馬祖的長度,同一個地方,巨幅延伸時間縱深,提供人們認知更多的精采。2D是平面,像是圖畫;3D是立體,譬如說是房屋建築;4D則揉合空間與時間,再加上人的注入,訴說生命,譜寫歷史,建構文化。這些豐富的基底提供了生活的要素,形成深度旅遊的開端,也是馬祖未來觀光立縣永續發展的重要資源。 今天是初四,也是傳統中國年中開工上班的日子,寫一篇貼文,象徵全新的開始。新的一年裡有充滿希望的365天,人人都可以快樂地彩繪美麗的每一日,熱情揮灑吧,朋友們!值此新春佳期,祝福大家虎年行大運,生龍活虎一整年! |
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