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主題: 粽子與水煮蛋
作者: 阮琦雅Chiya < > 發表時間: 2021-06-28
Rice Dumplings and Boiled Eggs






Rice dumplings and boiled eggs are my favorites, especially during the Dragon Boat Festival. However, without their company this Dragon Boat Festival, I really missed them a bit. I prayed that I could eat a southern rice dumpling, because I like southern rice ones the most among all kinds of rice dumplings.

Why do I like southern rice dumplings? I think if the food is simply delicious, it may not be attractive. The key point is due to miss my granny. When I was young, I clung to my granny to learn how to wrap rice dumplings. As long as the tangy smell of the rice dumplings steaming out of the cage, always brings the water to my mouth.

The day before yesterday I annoyed my friend because of something. I stayed at my friend’s house overnight. Next morning before I left, she hurriedly prepared breakfast for me. I was so grateful that I stayed to enjoy the breakfast with her before setting off. When I smelt the fragrant breakfast on the table, I couldn't believe it. It was the southern rice dumpling I had been waiting for. I couldn't help but thank God for listening to my prayers.

Before I left, my friend prepared boiled eggs for me to take them back to my dorm to eat. Holding the eggs in my hand, I was very excited. Isn’t the Dragon Boat Festival over? The loss of the Dragon Boat Festival is made up here!

Rice dumplings and eggs are common in daily life in Taiwan. However, in ordinary days, due to the communication between people and between people and God, the ordinary life is full of endlessly aftertaste because of mutual understanding and gratitude.

The gratitude in the aftertaste maintains the feelings between people, understands the blessings of God's presence with men at all times, and enjoys turning plain into eternity!


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